September 1, 2024

Twitter Files & Mapping the Censorship-Industrial Complex

Journalism and media exposure has been fundamental to changing the understanding of the new systems of censorship and public influence. Chief among these efforts has been the Twitter Files.

In early 2023, liber-net contributed to reporting which revealed that large sections of the Internet research nonprofit space, philanthropy, and academia now work directly with Government and Big Tech to suppress information, ideas, and opinions expressed by everyday people. This is a massive betrayal of civil society, which should hold governments and Big Tech to account rather than act as enablers and cheerleaders to censorship.

Liber-net collaborated with investigative journalist Matt Taibbi on the Twitter Files #18 and #19 and liber-net CEO Andrew Lowenthal released Twitter Files of his own on the DFRLab and the Atlantic Council, Australia’s Covid censorship, and RFK Jr.

liber-net also managed the research, writing, and mapping of the Censorship Industrial Complex for Taibbi’s Racket News.


Network Affects Substack.

Led by liber-net founder Andrew Lowenthal, NetworkAffects explores digital authoritarianism - privacy threats, bio-metric ID, surveillance, programmable currencies, and attacks on digital civil liberties and free expression from the ‘anti-disinformation’ and ‘fact-checking’ fields.

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