liber-net is a digital civil liberties initiative working to re-establish free speech and civil liberties as the default standard for our networked age.

We are a growing initiative concerned about corporate and government censorship (see our Twitter Files work and mapping of the Censorship Industrial Complex), and a civil society that now advocates for speech controls under the guise of combatting “disinformation.” liber-net also aims to challenge the increasing elitism, ideological conformity, and intolerance in the digital and internet rights fields.

liber-net does this through writing, research, and publication, media interventions, campaigning, events and network building. Ultimately, we are dedicated to human autonomy, dignity, and pluralism. liber-net support and seek to enable free speech, both offline and online and support technologies which facilitate both individual agency, collective endeavor, and the free exchange and circulation of ideas.

Network Affects Substack.

Led by liber-net founder Andrew Lowenthal, NetworkAffects explores digital authoritarianism - privacy threats, bio-metric ID, surveillance, programmable currencies, and attacks on digital civil liberties and free expression from the ‘anti-disinformation’ and ‘fact-checking’ fields.